Sunday, December 1, 2019


Medicinal Plants in India

Plants have medicinal value too along with ornamental purpose. Indians and Chinese have been using plants as medicines to treat wounds and pacify the inflammation. The ancient science of Ayurveda and Yoga relies heavily on these plants to treat major conditions, from pain management to weight management and everything in between. Arena Flowers brings you the lowdown on the plants you can grow in the backyard or even in the kitchen garden easily! Keep them growing and keep nurturing them so that you can utilize them and treat your condition naturally!

Aloe veraaloe vera medicinal plant

Extremely easy to grow, aloe vera is India’s most favorite and a succulent plant that is low-on-maintenance and easy-to-grow! The plant is a trusted remedy for Indians to treat skin inflammation, breakouts, and burns.  Its juice is well-known to boost a weak immune system. It is believed to be full of oxidants, which help the body to fight free radicals and stay fit as well as young!

Tulsi / BasilIndian Basil Plant

Tulsi or Holy Basil is called ‘Elixir of Life’ in Ayurveda in India and well known medicinal plant. It has been proved that Tulsi clears away the pollutants within the ten miles of its radius. Besides, Tulsi tea in India is very effective in treating common cold and flu. The plant also features in NASA list of air-purifying plants.  Its leaves can treat digestive issues and are also believed to have anti-cancer properties.

CorianderIndian Dhaniya Plant - Medicinal

Easy to sow, coriander is a no-fuss medicinal plant in India. Use any container to sow the seeds and put it on a window sill. It doesn’t need much sunlight or water. The little shoots of leaves would appear within a week. The young leaves can be plucked to put in curd, raita or vegetables to enhance the flavor as well as to utilize the benefit. Indian Dhania leaves are refreshing and treat digestive issues.

MintIndian Mint Plant

A very homegrown medicinal plant in India. The fragrance of mint leaves is enough to refresh your mind and make you feel good! In summer in India, mint leaves seem to be a godsend as its fragrance is rejuvenating! Mint tea helps you stay calm and if you are insomniac, mint tea can help you feel composed and have a sound sleep. Its fragrance is believed to keep the mosquitoes away. It is very beneficial in treating cold, cough, and diarrhea.

LemongrassLemongrass Medicinal Plant

Lemongrass’ therapeutic effect is widely known. Drink lemongrass tea to relieve a sore throat and menstrual pain. If you have trouble sleeping, drinking lemongrass tea before sleeping can help you get rid of insomnia and stress. Lemongrass is also helpful in pain management and has anti-pyretic properties.

Carom / AjwainAjwain - Indian Medicinal Plant

A backyard medicinal plant and also available at every house in India. Battling with digestive issues? Trust ajwain to help you deal with it easily! Growing ajwain plant at home is painfully easy. The plant doesn’t require much water or sunlight. The ridged leaves of the plant are edible and you can boil them in water to make ajwain tea to cure your upset stomach. Use the seeds or leaves to parathas, curries, vegetables, salads, and curd to enhance the flavor and get its medicinal benefits. You can also chew the leaves directly as a mouth freshener. One more reason to add this plant to add to your kitchen garden is that Feng Shui believes it to be a good luck charm.

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